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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

A Word A Day — plage

July 26, 2012
Word of the Day

    audio pronunciation


: the beach of a seaside resort
: a bright region on the sun caused by the light emitted by clouds of calcium or hydrogen and often associated with a sunspot


"Vying with Aquitaine for diversity within a single region, the Rhône-Alpes take you from plage to peak via a millennia or two of communities wonderfully wearing their history in their stones." — From an article by Simon Calder in The Independent (London), May 26, 2012

"Sunspots and other storm centers at the surface usually lie within vast regions of strong and tangled magnetic fields, called plages." — From an article by Robert Irion in Science, March 10, 2000

From Merriam-Webster Online at

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