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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

It’s Mother’s Day!

It’s Mother’s Day – MY day – when I am supposed to be the Queen for the Day, waited on hand and foot, breakfast in bed with burnt toast and undone eggs and relishing every single little bite.  

Only, not today – both my sons live out of town – one near Moscow, Idaho with his very pregnant-with-twins mother-to-be wife – and one who lives near Laughlin, Nevada.  Both sons will have their fill of mothers today – wife and mother-in-law for one, a gazillion-million grandmothers flying in to Laughlin to gamble, hit the slots, drink fluffy low-alcohol drinks, gamble, twitter, giggle. . . . and gamble. . . their way through their day – for the other one.
But I have a little mother living right here with me – my new kitty that adopted our house as her new home six weeks ago.  Unknown to us, she arrived already knocked up.  And so we spent days thinking, isn’t she cute – she’s eating so much that she’s getting a little chunky.  
And then. . . .
She had three kittens last week – and it gave me pause to think of mothers of another kind – animal mommies.   Mothering is totally instinct for animals.  They don’t even think about it.  For that matter, they don’t even know they are pregnant.  They don’t attend birthing classes.  They don’t have showers.  They don’t cry at the drop of a hat when they get panic attacks, thinking of all the future days of breast feeding, changing diapers, running after a two-year-old getting into trouble, leaving them on their first day of school, ALONE, arguing with a teenager, watching them graduate, planning their mega wedding, holding their “baby’s” first baby (all this thought in one blink while worrying about giving birth in three months).  Animals don’t do any of this.
And most animal mommies are instant single Moms of multiple babies.  Right off the bat!  And they just go along with it.  No trauma.  No, oh-I-wish-I-could-go-out-and-spend-time-with-other-adults-partying-all-night.   No being depressed that they are all alone in this parenting thing.  They just take care of it. 
My kitty is just a natural mother.  She attends her kittens twenty-four/seven, and allows herself brief little breaks maybe three or four times a day.  No complaints.
She did, however, MOVE her kittens from the Kitty Castle to a hidden, hard-to-get-to place in the corner of our bedroom, at the foot of the bed where I have stored stacks of winter blankets, shoes, books.  There is this one small open spot just big enough for a small-sized mama cat and her three kittens to curl up and nest – unbothered by humans just having to pick up the babies and examine them.  Hell no – I’m not going to do that again – she might find a place I can’t get to at all.  This way, I can hang over the edge of the bed and “look” at the kittens, while petting the Mommy and telling her what a good job she is doing.
Happy Mother’s Day, Gracie Kitty!  
Now, I’m going to stare at my cell phone and send mesmerizing, hypnotizing thoughts to my two sons to call me.
Oh, dang it all, I’m just going to call them myself and tell them Happy Mother’s Day.  After all – if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have this special, be-kind-to-me day.
Happy Mother's Day to all you natural-born mothers!  May your toast be golden.  May your eggs be sunny-side up.  Have a great day!

Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.