Political advertising…
Good evening, Netizens...
There is nothing I love more than good old-fashioned political donnybrooks, and boy we just had a series of dandies over the last few weeks. From the governor's race to that of the President of the United States and all the Initiatives and Referendums in between, there were enough chunks of the political debris to keep voters leaping for joy for quite a long time to come. Suffice it to say I was delighted beyond words to see Barack Obama re-elected for a second term as President, although I admit the race between he and Mitt Romney was a duel between the lesser of two evils. I did not want a Mormon President but on the other hand I did not necessarily believe in all the hubris of President Obama and the Democratic Party, either.
I did want to see Referendum 74 pass, and was quite surprised to see it approved by voters. It's about time that same-sex marriages are allowed, that we got the government out of the business of marriage.
On the Marijuana Initiative, however, I still have grave misgivings, for despite having passed the Initiative, there is still the matter of the Federal laws against the legalization of pot. Where the hell does States Rights enter into this? We may have passed a law, but will that change anything? At least for the time being, will we still be throwing potheads into prison for an otherwise innocuous habit?
However, during this election campaign, nothing but nothing demonstrated our contempt, our utter revulsion for the democratic process more than the unending string of attack ads from all sides of the political spectrum, regardless of which political campaign you might choose. Both the Presidential and Washington State political races were the most expensive in America's political history, but sad to say, only a few of the advertisements were truthful. What a sordid malingering mess!
David Horsey's cartoon says it better than I possibly can, whether you agree or disagree.