Good morning Netizens... April 11, 2013 Word of the Day indissoluble \in-dih-SAHL-yuh-bul\ DEFINITION adjective : incapable of being dissolved or disintegrated; especially : incapable of being annulled, undone, or broken : permanent EXAMPLES The minister contended that matrimony is a bond that is indissoluble in…
Good morning Netizens... April 10, 2013 Word of the Day kiln \KILN\ DEFINITION noun : an oven, furnace, or heated enclosure used for processing a substance by burning, firing, or drying EXAMPLES Now that the school has purchased a new kiln, it can offer more…
Good morning Netizens... April 09, 2013 Word of the Day doxology \dahk-SAH-luh-jee\ DEFINITION noun : a usually liturgical expression of praise to God EXAMPLES The church service typically concludes with the congregation singing a short doxology. "A doxology, with impromptu four-part harmony, concluded a prayer…
Good evening Netizens... April 08, 2013 Word of the Day convalesce \kahn-vuh-LESS\ DEFINITION verb : to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness EXAMPLES According to the article, the athlete is still convalescing from her recent injury but expects to resume her training…
Good evening Netizens... April 07, 2013 Word of the Day equivocal \ih-KWIV-uh-kul\ DEFINITION adjective 1 a : subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse b : uncertain as an indication or sign 2 a : of uncertain nature or…
Good evening, Netizens..., April 06, 2013 Word of the Day gest \JEST\ DEFINITION noun 1 : a tale of adventures; especially : a romance in verse 2 : adventure, exploit EXAMPLES Dorothy, who has already traveled the world in her quest for adventure, now daydreams…
Good evening Netizens... April 05, 2013 Word of the Day hackneyed \HAK-need\ DEFINITION adjective : lacking in freshness or originality EXAMPLES The new crime drama's characters are shallow stereotypes who engage one another in hackneyed dialogue. "Though it has been floating around Hollywood for a…
Good evening Netizens... April 04, 2013 Word of the Day redbrick \RED-brik\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : built of red brick 2 : of, relating to, or being the British universities founded in the 19th or early 20th century EXAMPLES The round-table forum brought four distinguished…
Good evening, Netizens... April 03, 2013 Word of the Day boulevardier \bull-uh-vahr-DYAY\ DEFINITION noun : a frequenter of the Parisian boulevards; broadly : man-about-town EXAMPLES Trevor fancies himself something of a boulevardier, and he appears in the newspaper's society pages often enough that the label…
Good morning, Netizens... April 02, 2013 Word of the Day ambidextrous \am-bih-DEK-strus\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : capable of using both hands with equal ease 2 : unusually skillful : versatile 3 : characterized by duplicity : double-dealing EXAMPLES "Jensen, a right-handed athlete, quickly began to…
Good morning Netizens... March 31, 2013 Word of the Day balneology \bal-nee-AH-luh-jee\ DEFINITION noun : the science of the therapeutic use of baths EXAMPLES Balneology is used at the spa as a means of treating injured muscles. "Fortunately, our collection contains a large number of…
Good afternoon Netizens... March 30, 2013 Word of the Day obviate \AHB-vee-ayt\ DEFINITION verb : to anticipate and prevent (as a situation) or make unnecessary (as an action) EXAMPLES Rob checks every ledger entry twice to obviate any problems when it comes time for an…
Good morning Netizens... From the Spokesman-Review: Spokane police Chief Frank Straub said Friday that the disbanding of the department’s property crimes unit in 2011 is an “urban legend” perpetrated by former administrators looking to boost funding for the department. The story goes on to state…
Good morning, Netizens... March 29, 2013 Word of the Day fuliginous \fyoo-LIJ-uh-nus\ DEFINITION adjective 1 a : sooty b : obscure, murky 2 : having a dark or dusky color EXAMPLES Theo's journalism professor encouraged him to eschew fuliginous prose in favor of simple, straightforward…
First, we have issues in Spokane with overuse of power; then the mayor says that police are not going to respond to personal property crimes; then we have to protect ourselves; then nutso people run rampage with guns and kill several children; then we start…
Good morning Netizens... March 28, 2013 Word of the Day laudable \LAW-duh-bul\ DEFINITION adjective : worthy of praise : commendable EXAMPLES Parents, faculty, and members of the community commended the students for their laudable efforts at cleaning up the park and renovating its play structures.…
Good evening Netizena... March 27, 2013 Word of the Day flehmen \FLAY-mun\ DEFINITION noun : a mammalian behavior (as of horses or cats) in which the animal inhales with the mouth open and upper lip curled to facilitate exposure of the vomeronasal organ to a…
Good morjnming, Netizens... March 26, 2013 Word of the Day hallmark \HAWL-mahrk\ DEFINITION noun 1 : a mark put on an article to indicate origin, purity, or genuineness 2 : a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature EXAMPLES The entertainer's new book features the same kind…
Good morning Netizens..., March 25, 2013 Word of the Day nascent \NASS-unt\ DEFINITION adjective : coming or having recently come into existence EXAMPLES Brent began working at the company when it was in its nascent stage, with just a single one-room office and four employees.…
Good morning, Netizens... March 24, 2013 Word of the Day canorous \kuh-NOR-us\ DEFINITION adjective : pleasant sounding : melodious EXAMPLES A canorous chorus of birdsong filled the morning air. "The album features fast and brooding melodies … and standout canorous piano and clean guitar moments…."…
Good morning Netizens... March 23, 2013 Word of the Day riposte \rih-POHST\ DEFINITION noun 1 : a fencer's quick return thrust following a parry 2 : a retaliatory verbal sally : retort 3 : a retaliatory maneuver or measure EXAMPLES The lifelong friends always greeted…
Good evening, Netizens... March 22, 2013 Word of the Day grift \GRIFT\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to obtain (money) illicitly (as in a confidence game) 2 : to acquire money or property illicitly EXAMPLES John grifted much of his income by carrying out elaborate cons…
Good evening, Netizens... March 21, 2013 Word of the Day demotic \dih-MAH-tik\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : of, relating to, or written in a simplified form of the ancient Egyptian hieratic writing 2 : common, popular 3 : of or relating to the form of Modern…
Good evening, Netizens.,., March 20, 2013 Word of the Day plaudit \PLAW-dit\ DEFINITION noun 1 : an act or round of applause 2 : enthusiastic approval — usually used in plural EXAMPLES The latest installment in the movie series earned plaudits from critics and fans…
Good afternoon, Netizens... March 19, 2013 Word of the Day sacrosanct \SAK-roh-sankt\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : most sacred or holy : inviolable 2 : treated as if holy : immune from criticism or violation EXAMPLES Our family traditions may seem silly to outsiders, but to…