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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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A Word A Day — doxology

Good morning Netizens...

April 09, 2013

Word of the Day

  • doxology
  • audio pronunciation
  • \dahk-SAH-luh-jee\


: a usually liturgical expression of praise to God

The church service typically concludes with the congregation singing a short doxology.

"A doxology, with impromptu four-part harmony, concluded a prayer prior to a dinner that followed the Mass." — From an article by Gretchen R. Crowe in the Arlington Catholic Herald, September 26, 2012


"Doxology" passed into English from Medieval Latin "doxologia," which in turn comes from the Greek term "doxa," meaning "opinion" or "glory," and the suffix "-logia," which refers to oral or written expression. It's logical enough, therefore, that "doxology" has referred to an oral expression of praise and glorification since it first appeared in English around 1645. The word ultimately derives from the Greek verb "dokein," meaning "to seem" or "to seem good." Two cousins of "doxology" via "dokein" are "dogma" and "paradox." More distant relatives include "decent" and "synecdoche." The Gloria in Excelsis and the Gloria Patri are two of the best-known and most often sung doxologies in contemporary Christianity.

From Merriam-Webster Online at



Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.