Good evening Netizens... February 04, 2013 Word of the Day eurytopic \yur-ih-TAH-pik\ DEFINITION adjective : tolerant of wide variation in one or more environmental factors EXAMPLES Eurytopic groups are observed in a wide range of habitats. "Eurytopic species tend to have longer geologic ranges than…
Good morning, Netizens... Who wants to possess a rocket launcher? Maybe a rocket launcher, tanks, fighter jets or an attack helicopter or two? There is a far difference between possessing a handgun and any of the above. According to some staunchly conservative gun rights advocates,…
Good morning, Netizens... February 02, 2013 Words of the Day largesse \larh-ZHESS\ DEFINITION noun 1 : liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior; also : something so given 2 : generosity EXAMPLES Thanks to their grandparents' largesse, both children were…
Good morning, Netizens... Guess who is coming to dinner? Would you believe David Elton is coming back to Spokane, and that might be interesting, considering he is contemplating at least two lawsuits. I would wager a small pittance that perhaps Doug Clark and myself might…
Good morning, Netizens... February 01, 2013 Words of the Day amortize \AM-er-tyze\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to pay off (as a mortgage) gradually usually by periodic payments of principal and interest or by payments to a sinking fund 2 : to gradually reduce or write…
Good morning, Netizens... Hey, it's day nine... nine days since I last had a cigarette, but I have to admit it all comes at a price. The patch is the only thing that has made this change tolerable, but I am having wildly-unpredictable dreams when…
Good morning, Netizens... A 73 count Federal indictment was unfurled against Gregory Jeffreys, his wife and ostensible girlfriend the other day, as I have often said would take place, and none too soon. I have been following the macabre trail of Jeffreys' financial dealings around…
Good morning, Netizens... January 31, 2013 Words of the Day jabberwocky \JAB-er-wah-kee\ DEFINITION noun : meaningless speech or writing EXAMPLES "The salesman started spewing computer jabberwocky at me like an auctioneer. I understood about every sixth word he uttered."— From an article by Larry D.…
Good evening Netizens... January 30, 2013 Words of the Day mala fide \mal-uh-FYE-dee\ DEFINITION adverb or adjective : with or in bad faith EXAMPLES The company's board is accused of acting mala fide and with criminal intentions. "NTC analyzes each traveler's risk before departure to…
Good morning, Netizens... January 29, 2013 Words of the Day nomothetic \nah-muh-THET-ik\ DEFINITION adjective : relating to, involving, or dealing with abstract, general, or universal statements or laws EXAMPLES "Even the authors that emphasize the existence of cross-cultural differences ... acknowledge that a nomothetic characterization…
Good evening, Netizens... January 28, 2013 Word of the Day gambit \GAM-bit\ DEFINITION noun 1 : a chess opening in which a player risks minor pieces to gain an advantage 2 : a remark intended to start a conversation 3 : a calculated move EXAMPLES…
Good morning, Netizens... Just as an aside, if you are contemplating your typical departure for work this morning, you might want to carefully consider your options in our lovely community. That's because overnight it rained, which promptly froze to the streets and sidewalks in many…
Good morning, Netizens... January 25, 2013 Word of the Day satiate \SAY-shee-ayt\ DEFINITION verb : to satisfy (as a need or desire) fully or to excess EXAMPLES After eating three pieces of pie and one of cake at the potluck, Jamie's sweet tooth was finally…
Good evening, Netizens... January 24, 2013 Words of the Day engagé \ahn-gah-ZHAY\ DEFINITION adjective : committed to or supportive of a cause EXAMPLES Our next-door neighbor Michael, an engagé environmental activist, uses solar power to heat his home and drives a hybrid automobile. "George MacDonald…
Good morning, Netizens... It just goes to show you where everyone's priorities are. According to the talking heads of the local news organizations, Gonzaga students who were temporarily staying in the “tent city” in front of the Kennel in preparation for the big game with…
Good morning, Netizens... January 23, 2013 Words of the Day fanfaronade \fan-fair-uh-NAYD\ DEFINITION noun : empty boasting : bluster EXAMPLES Having grown weary of the former governor's fanfaronade and lack of concrete action, voters sent a clear message at the polls and elected his opponent…
Good morning, Netizens... January 22, 2013 Words of the Day euchre \YOO-ker\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to prevent from winning three tricks in the card game euchre 2 : to cheat or trick EXAMPLES "'You fooled us good,' Frank confessed. 'After Northfield, Jesse knew we'd…
Good morning, Netizens... January 21, 2013 Words of the Day zarzuela \zahr-ZWAY-luh\ DEFINITION noun : a usually comic Spanish operetta EXAMPLES "The first major trip was leaving Spain, with my sister and our aunt, to travel by ship to Mexico, where my parents had set…
Good morning, Netizens... January 20, 2013 Words of the Day preen \PREEN\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to groom with the bill 2 : to dress or smooth up : primp 3 : to pride or congratulate (oneself) on an achievement : to behave or speak…
January 19, 2013 Words of the Day mentor \MEN-tor\ DEFINITION noun 1 : a trusted counselor or guide 2 : tutor, coach EXAMPLES The young man regarded the professor not only as a mentor, but as a good friend as well. "Every time a Strong…
Good morning, Netizens... January 18, 2013 Word of the Day traduce \truh-DOOSS\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation 2 : violate, betray EXAMPLES At the apex of the journalist's career, a jealous rival attempted to…
January 17, 2013 Words of the Day vernissage \vair-nih-SAHZH\ DEFINITION noun : a private showing or preview of an art exhibition EXAMPLES Before the art auction, there will be a vernissage during which people can mingle with the artists and preview their work. "Art Basel…
Good afternoon, Netizens... There is a fair hue and cry about town over the former Acting Police Chief Scott Stephens being demoted from sitting atop the throne of the Spokane Police Department, to losing that position to banishing him entirely from the upper ranks of…
Good morning, Netizens,.., January 16, 2013 Words of the Day inchmeal \INCH-meel\ DEFINITION adverb : little-by-little, gradually EXAMPLES The fog that had been concentrated over the valley dissipated inchmeal, revealing a quiet busyness in the small village below. "I glanced at my Luminox wristwatch. The…
Good morning, Netizens... January 14, 2013 Word of the Day taradiddle \tair-uh-DID-ul\ DEFINITION noun 1 : a trivial or childish lie : fib 2 : pretentious nonsense EXAMPLES "Even parents with the very best of intentions find themselves telling taradiddles to their offspring." — From…