Cycling discoveries in our RV adventure
One of the great benefits of traveling the country in an RV is NOT driving.
It's bicycling.
One of my favorite things to do in every stop along the way is get on my bike to begin exploring the area. From the Pacific Northwest, where we started, to the Atlantic Coast, where we are now, I've taken dozens of rides.
The riding has allowed me to see things I'd never notice from the cab of our 23-foot RV. A road trip is fun, but you don't really immerse yourself into a place until you get out and start riding around.
On this road trip, I've cycled through the red rocks near Las Vegas. I've ridden around New Orleans. I've taken an island ride in Cape Hatteras, N.C. And best of all, I've seen some of our finest national parks from the seat of my bike, from Grand Canyon to Big Bend.