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Huckleberries Online

Monday Quick Fix 6 (11/1/04)

I scored a Monday trifecta today: I couldn't find my glasses, so my wife had to drive me to KVNI-AM for my annual pre-election endorsement review with news director Dick Haugen and Demo strategist Mike Kennedy (pictured introducing singer Carole King in Coeur d'Alene earlier this year). Then, Dick and Mike informed me that I'd ID'd Mike as Mike Gridley in this morning's Huckleberries column. Then, Dick nailed me for being a flipflopper re: Hagadone Gardens downtown here. I wrote the editorial endorsing the project in this morning's paper here. Mike: "You know, the F in D.F. stands for Flipflop." Goodness, I support a Hagadone project for one time in 20 years, and they never let you hear the end of it. Oh well, it's time for your fix.

1. Political 'Toon Fix: Paul Nowak and Kevin Tuma here and here.

2. Humor Fix: Jay D. Dyson serves up "Osama's Misplaced Rant" for you Sacred Cow Burger fans here.

3. My Way Fix: This Day in History here, This Day in Music here, Today's Birthdays here, and Positive Quote here.

4. Top of the News Fix: GOP expected to hold House, Senate at stake here, Cheney mocks Kerry polling on bin Laden here, Study finds journalists pro-Kerry here, Bush landing in 5 swing states today, Kerry 4 here, and Polls show Bush in front day before polls open here.

5. Terror Boogeyman Fix: Yigal Carmon/MEMRI analyzes Osama bin Laden's threat to rein terror on states that support Dubya tomorrow here.

6. Opinion Fix: William J. Stuntz (Daschle's race), Michael Barone (Final look at horse race), Stuart Taylor Jr. (Court, media aggravate polarization), William Kristol (Bin Laden vs. Bush), and Brendan Miniter (What's at stake).

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.