Headlines @ Closin’ Time
*Despondent Dems fleeing to Canada? Immigration website shows big spike in wake of President Bush's victory/WorldNetDaily: They shouldn't let the door hit 'em in the butt on the way out.
*Bush wins Iowa: Gives president total of 286 electoral votes/Associated Press: Paint it bee-you-tiful red, baybee. (You can find a red-blue county breakdown here.)
*Keyes blames media, GOP for Illinois loss: Large numbers of Republican votes for Obama contributed to 43-point spread/Associated Press: Ah, Alan, I love ya like a brother, man, but, if the liberal media is powerful enough to be responsible for a 43-point loss, I'm movin' to Canada.
*Wrong man, wrong place, wrong time: Should Arlen Specter be named chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee?/WND poll: I agree with that old Butch Otter vote in the Idaho Legislature: Not only no, but hell no!
*Al Sharpton, wife announce separation:
'Allows them to continue pursuing their work interests'/Associated Press: And yet another reason why I chuckle when someone addresses this clown as a "reverend."