Parting Shot (10/8/04)
Gotta run to see the next prez debate in a few minutes. Hope Dubya loses the "deer in the headlight" look. But it won't matter. The anti-war mainstream media would declare Kerry the winner, if he went on stage with his fly down. If you're smart, you'll do what I do -- turn the TV off immediately after the debate and not listen to the spinmeisters. Trust your own gut in deciding who won. More importantly, pay attention to what they say -- not how they say it. For all the applause Kerry got re: his first debate performance, he was talking goobledy-gook. He got away with it only because Dubya let him. I might blog some debate comments this weekend. Dunno. Remember, I now can blog from home, so you might want to check in on Hot Potatoes Saturday or Sunday.