MONDAY, DEC. 18, 2006
SATURDAY, DEC. 16, 2006
Family Phil: A Hike on Tubbs Hill Today
Took a hike on Tubbs Hill today. The trail on the west side is now blocked by this tree -- Family Phil.
Wild Card -- 12/16/06
A friend asked last night when I planned to retire. The simple answer would be 8 years from now, when I'm 65. But it really depends on how I feel and how much fun I'm having in the news biz. Currently, I'm having a blast…
DOTC Points Out Error of KXLY/KVNI's Ways
"KVNI has always been the voice of North Idaho. Not Dick Haugen, not Bob Hough" -- Roger Nelson, KXLY marketing manager.Dan of the County: I guess he's not from here, is he? ... Yes, Roger Bob and Dick in fact were the voice of North…
Cis: Here Comes The Next Big Catch Phrase
Full post hereI think the next catch phase is going to be: I AM OFF THE CLOCK. ... There is a movie coming out, with George Clooney, I think it is called the Good German. And I was watch TV this morning and they had…
FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 2006
BrodH20: A Tip to Help You Survive Xmas Holiday
A friend of mine passed along this holiday tip: Leave some Get Well cards on your mantel. If unexpected guests arrive, they'll think you were too sick to clean the house -- Mommy Dearest/BrodH20.Question: Do you have a tip to share that might help others…
TGIF Wild Card -- 12/15/06
I'll be scarce today, HBOers. I have a day of va-cay to share with my true love. I've patched some things together to get you going today. I appreciate the work you did last night entertaining yourselves with great posts like Sam's Best of the…
Item: 20 education employees get pink slips ...
... Incoming Superintendent Luna says he wants to bring his own people into education departmentDFO: Mebbe this explains retiring Superintendent Marilyn Howard's reasons for handing out those $900-plus bonus checks to the regulars, as though they were candy canes.
Time Warner Gift to North Idaho -- No Fox Programs
Local Fox affiliate KAYU-TV took its channel off of Time Warner Cable's lineup at midnight Thursday, leaving Time Warner customers in North Idaho, Pullman and Moscow without the station's popular Fox programming. The station and the cable provider have butted heads since mid-June over whether…
APhoto of the Day -- 12/15/06
Mark Graham, stands behind the holiday message on the fence around his Pembroke Pines, Fla. home Thursday. He said the "No War" sign was a Christmas wish rather than a political statement. Graham reported that his neighbors have responded very positively. You write the cutline.…
JBelle: I Love Sorensen School
Lewis and Clark High School here in The 'Kan is the crown jewel of the public school system here. It's an urban school and is ancient and has been outdated many times in its tenure in the neighborhood. Yet it remains the pride of generations…
Huckleberries Weather Report -- from Last Night
*12:20 a.m. Friday, "We're getting gusts up to 90 miles per hour here. It's actually kind of scary. If you stare at our sliding glass door you can see it bend in as the wind hits it. I just hope it stays right there" --…
WorldNetDaily Poll -- Which Medium Do You Use?
Issue: Americans to spend 5 months consuming media in 2007: Census Bureau says adults, teens will pay $936.75 per person for information/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Question: Which medium do you find yourself consuming most?1. Newspapers2. Magazines3. Books4. Television5. Radio6. Internet7. Recorded music8. Movies at the theater9.…
THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 2006
Wild Card/Thursday -- 12/14/06
This'll be our last day together until Monday, HBOers. I'm humbled that more and more of you are tuning in here. HBO has crashed through the 6000 page-view barrier six of the nine weekdays this month. That only happened seven times in all of November…
Parting Shot -- 12/14/06
Winchester Elementary School principal Jeanne Grazioli laughs as she hangs duct-taped to a wall during a school assembly in Roseburg, Ore., Wednesday. Every student who sold at least one tub of cookie dough for a booster club fundraiser was given a piece of tape to…
Nampa: A Secure Cesspoll? -- Boise Guardian
Full post hereLess than a week after the Boise-Nampa area was declared the “most secure” place to live in America comes a different view. A reader—and NPR (public radio)—tell us of a new book which includes mention of Boise’s neighbor to the west. Nampa was…
Extra! White-Out Conditions in Bonner, Boundary
Idaho State Police is responding to multiple crashes north of Coeur d?Alene in Bonner and Boundary Counties. It is snowing heavily, white out conditions and the roads are extremely slick. Due to the weather and wind advisory tonight we advise you to drive extremely cautiously.…
Extra! Idaho Super-Elect Luna Inflated Resume
Full story hereTom Luna, the incoming head of the state’s public school system, misrepresented his position with the U.S. Department of Education on his resume during his successful campaign this fall. In a biography on his Web site and a resume provided to Idaho Public…
Sorensen School: Thumbs Up? Thumbs Down?
Catherine James, 5, Julia Jaworski, 7, and Elisa James, 7, wear t-shirts with a message about keeping Sorensen Elementary open Wednesday in front of their school. The shirts are part of the campaign used by the Parent Teacher Assocation at the school. The Coeur d'Alene…
JBelle: How About A Best of Hucks '06?
JBelle: What? You're going to go back and ask Van Gogh to buff up 'Starry, Starry Night' adding the new condos down by the river and taking out the steeple that crumbled in the last big windstorm? I don't think so! Huckleberry Chaos is now…
Dogwalk Musings: Prurient? Porn? It Doesn't Matter
Full post re: Dogwalk Musings reaction after viewing Baughman File hereThe rest of what we saw was so disgusting I want to banish it from my mind. All this in the offices of those who have been charged with protecting us from predators. Tax payer…
Update: Hag Fights Ex-Editor Unemployment Claim
Re: Ex-Bonners Ferry Herald editor Robert James provides an update re: his November firing.Just an update on the Bonners Ferry Herald debacle. Hagadone, through its courageous Sandpoint publisher, is fighting my unemployment claim. The company believes that its offer to me, i.e. stay on through…
Lewiston Trib: Don't Lose Them Spirit Points
Full editorial hereJesus frowns on killing people, even heretics, who are just sitting around drinking eggnog. But if the heretics are attacking you, merry Christmas. You may fire at will. Just be careful where you aim. You can lose "spirit points" for indiscriminate killing. Of…
SR Edit: CdA Bloeming Under Current Administration
Issue: Our View: City in Bloem: CdA mayor continues to move community forward/D.F. Oliveria, Spokesman-Review More Info: If Bloem did nothing else in the remainder of her second term, she'd go down in Coeur d'Alene history as one of its best mayors, maybe the best.…
Stebbijo: Prosecutor Porn Didn't Make Me Laugh
Full post hereSo, when I decided to validate the SR's article with my local blogger friiend Dogwalk Musings and get to the bottom of the pornography that was being passed around via government computers on our tax dollar and speciifcally view a questionalble photo of…

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.
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