LastdemoinIdaho: Snowbird Flies Home for Winter
LastdemoinIdaho: Look no longer to the south deserts for my infrequent comments. Arrived back home in safer/saner north Idaho last week. First intent was to stay just for holidays, but we have decided to stay home and freeze with the rest of you'll! Haggy's monster digs have recently taken a back seat to other local issues. The entire Cochella Valley (Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Indio, etc.)is exploding with growth. Starter houses go for $300,000+. Traffic on arterials here is actually worse than down there, mainly, in my judgement, due to our outdated 1920 era 2 lane roads. But still a bit safer driving here...was very nerve-racking dealing with 60-70 mph driving on streets...not I-10! Crime down there is rising rapidly. Our small, gated/walled complex with security people has been repeatedly violated by thieves coming in over the wall. Local news reports a murder or two almost daily. Sad situation. We will relearn how to deal with the snow and cold. But I am already gritting my teeth listening to big 4X4s driven by soccer moms grinding the dry streets with their damnable studs!! Arrgh!!
DFO: I'm still stud-tireless in Coeur d'Alene this winter. I put new tires on one of the cars and have been able to get along fine. The test will come when I have to go into Spokane and a snowy day. But that can wait. Welcome back, LDII.