Wambooli Lunch: Passing E-mail Acquaintances
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Over the years I've met lots of people through e-mail, folks whom I've never met in real life. Meeting people you've never seen or heard is a common side effect of e-mail, especially when you frequent chat rooms, blogs, or forums, or otherwise get involved on-line. It's strange to get to know someone that way, but still a welcome form of human contact. I have many, many e-mail friends I've never met, people from all over the globe too. They're just people with whom I enjoy writing back and forth. It's fun. But then, every once in a while, I get that final message -- DanG/Wambooli Lunch.
DFO: Another heavyweight has officially entered the North Idaho blogosphere -- regular HBOer DanG. His poignant post above about online buddies who die indicates that DanG has a lot to offer on his computer-oriented, nonpolitical blog, Wambooli Lunch. Check it out here.