Vacation Wild Card No. 2 — 12/22/06
I forgot to mention to you earlier this week that I received a call from Rich Gordon, an associate prof at Northwestern University who's studying the SR's "blogging initiative" among other current newspaper innovations. We discussed what we're doing here for 15 minutes or so. (I've published the e-mail he sent in the "comments" section.) I told him about the evolution of Huckleberries Online and commented that the North Idaho blogosphere, with its three dozen or so local bloggers may be one of the most advanced in the Northwest. His report will be sent to a national newspaper organization. 'Tis nice to be noticed. Today, Amy Dearest and I are on our own to find Mama O her Christmas presents. Scary. While we fight the crowds, you can use this Wild Card to start threads or talk about Gonzaga's tough loss to Duke, the close encounter between the Coeur d'Alene Press, and LCDC, and/or the serial rapist who admitted his guilt and is so, so sorry.