Vacation Wild Card No. 3 — 12/23/06
Amy Dearest and I put a good dent in the Christmas shopping for my wife Friday. We're not through. But it looks like we won't be doing any last-minute shopping. I finally broke down and bought a new set of studded tires for the Honda, too. I have to make too many trips to the Spokane airport in the next week or so not to have studs on at least one of the three cars. I'm not entirely into vacation mode. But I'm getting there. You can use this Wild Card to discuss Christmas shopping, studded snow tires, the firing of Post Falls Community Development Director Gary Young, the Christmas Samaritan who handed out $50 bills on a Spokane bus, or SReaders choosing Buddy (from "Elf") over George Bailey, the Grinch and others as their favorite Christmas character. Or anything else for that matter.