HBO simply has to repeat PDXPup's wonderful posting re: the Huckleberries Chaos Theory, which she introduced with the line: "The way I see it." The Pup belongs to one of three blogging families that inhabits this blog. All hyper-talented. She's also related to HBO by…
Cartoon: Jim Tibbs/Grants Pass, Ore.1. I wasn't going to post a BOTLB today, but Marianne Love/Slight Detour forced me to do so, with two excellent posts this week. One that had me busting a gut as she plays off our front-page story Monday about bull…
Students at St. Peter Parish in Kirkwood, Mo., watch the burning of the palm branches Tuesday in an annual ceremony the day before Ash Wednesday. The wind shifted direction and the smoke blew towards the first-graders who are from left: Max Prosperi, 6; Allison Henry,…
You can find a cool Pew Center quiz that'll show you where you fit among several types of people and political animals. Me? I fell in the "upbeat" category. Check it out here.Hat Tip: SR colleague Rasha Madkour
First, you should know what office colleague Renee's bumpersnicker sez: "Please, Lord, let it snow 20 feet this year -- Maybe the Californians will leave." Then, you'd understand this hand-printed note that was on her windshield when she returned from shopping at Safeway on Fourth:…
Remember when I said I thought there was something fishy about that recent Coeur d'Alene Press poll re: the Idaho governor's race -- you know, the one that had Demo Jerry Brady way ahead of favored Repub Butch Otter (and then switched within a few…
Dear Flabby,My husband spends way too much time on the computer reading and commenting on some newspaper blog, Strawberries or something, he never takes me bowling anymore and has even lost interest in sex, I'm at wit's end! I'm still a young beautiful woman and…
A couple of peeping toms look into a window in Norfolk, Neb. Monday. About a dozen wild turkeys were spotted around the northeast Nebraska city. (AP Photo/Norfolk Daily News, Dennis Meyer)
"Linette Freeman of Coeur d'Alene first shared her story with Spokesman-Review columnist Cynthia Taggart three years ago. At the time she weighed more than 400 pounds and was considering weight loss surgery. Her friends and family raised money so that she could get laparoscopic gastric…
Participants in the Cardboard Classic race along during Red Lodge Winter Carnival on Red Lodge Mountain in Red Lodge, Mont., Saturday. Racers were built from cardboard, tape, glue and paint and the raced down a ski slope. You write the cutline. (AP Photo/Billings Gazette, Bob…
Issue: Relatives want death penalty for DuncanFamilies reject plea deal idea/Taryn Brodwater, Spokesman-ReviewDarlene Torres (Brenda Groene's mother): "We're definitely not interested in any plea bargain whatsoever. Mr. Douglas – we're behind him all the way."Question: So, that's that? Forget about any possible plea bargain for…
1. APhoto Fix: Anna Nicole Smith, walks outside the U.S. Supreme Court, in Washington earlier today. Dressed in all black, former stripper turned weight-loss promoter fought her way through a throng of photographers and autograph-seekers on her way to a Supreme Court showdown in her…
I've been flirting with an outside-the-box idea re: how to get a handle on my work schedule. As it is now, I hit work about 8:30 a.m., blog straight thru while eating my lunch at my desk, and leave around 6:15 p.m. Long day. And…
I need to go home and let the dog out. His legs are probably crossed by now. I also need to read through Mari Meehan's post re: the suggestions you guys made Saturday morning, "Where Do We Go From Here," and might comment a little…
After a year of blogging, Bayview Herb Huseland has spruced up his site with a photo (above) and a site meter (with a little help from his friends Cis and Mari Meehan) here.Newcomer: Put your hands together for new "Friends of Huckleberries" blogger Hindu, who…
Darren McGavin, top, in a scene from the television series "Riverboat" in this June 25, 1959 file photo. McGavin, 83, the husky, tough-talking actor who starred in the TV series "Mike Hammer," played a grouchy dad in the holiday classic "A Christmas Story" and had…
Jane Q. Citizen: "The one thing you can count on as far as winter in north Idaho is it ain't over 'til it's over. We keep ours on (studded snow tires) until the last legal day to do so."DFO: For the first time since I…
This 1956 file photo shows actors Dennis Weaver, left, as the slow-witted deputy Chester and James Arness as Marshall Matt Dillon, are shown in a scene from CBS' TV classic western "Gunsmoke" in 1956. Weaver, 81, died of complications from cancer on Friday at his…
... Old Harry Whatshisname, Veep Dick Cheney's hunting partner. See how you do when the quail are flying and Harry's getting in the way here.Hat Tip: SR Circulation Buddy Mike Mahon
"Dr. Dean Aldrich said he couldn't comment without written consent from the dog's owner due to privacy reasons" -- Taryn Brodwater/Spokesman-Review, writing about the veterinarian's refusal to comment a severely injured pet bull that was found in the Priest River area recently here.DFO: There's privacy…
Tim Conway, left, and Don Knotts, who died Friday night, are seen in this 1974 photo in character for the film "The Apple Dumpling Gang". To commemorate this fine actor's great career of making us laugh, I've selected this AP file photo for the daily…
"Even if (Joseph Edward) Duncan is convicted for the first three killings, he isn't going to be executed any time soon. Decades from now, he and his lawyers would be filing appeals and challenging any execution dates ordered by current and future Kootenai County judges.…
1. Otis Chandler, the former publisher of the Los Angeles Times, is shown on Sept. 11, 2003, in Los Angeles, with a portrait of his mother Dorothy Chandler, left. Chandler, who transformed his family's provincial, conservative newspaper into a respected national media voice, died early…
DFO (from Saturday night): "The Fred Phelps hate group have done two things that stink to the heavens: interrupted patriotic funerals with their nuttiness and given the Left wing another strawman to point to when it denounces Christianity. A lot of wrong can be done…
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.