... from Herb Huseland/Bayviews:Here we are at last. This Saturday will usher in the 4th of July activities in Bayview. Festivities start at 11:00 AM, beginning with the street parade. If you aren't in town before 10:30 AM you will be subjected to a wait,…
OK - it was a tough call, but for what it's worth, James Bond gets my vote for the best cutline for the Smart Car photo: Why Is The American Automobile Industry In So Much Trouble?Here's the afternoon wild card...
Today's Supreme Court decision declaring the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals illegal is already churning up some comments on the Wild Card, so I thought I'd bring it out as its own thread. You know what to do...
As my vacation starts to wind down, I see Blogmeister KenP is continuing his solid job finding things to interest the HBO crowd. Major Hat Tip -- to Ken. I've finished the painting and am looking forward to doing something else later today. Mebbe getting…
S-R reporter Erica Curless sent along this tidbit from last night's Kootenai County Commission meeting:During Tuesday's Kootenai County Commission meeting Commission Chairman Gus Johnson had a slip of the tongue and accidentally referred to Commissioner Katie Brodie as "chairman." Brodie shook her head and quipped…
"I hate flip-flops."S-R reporter Amy Cannata came to my desk this morning to vent about these kids today and their flip-flops. Once upon a time, flip-flogs (did anyone else call them "thongs?") were reserved solely for the beach, but are now everyday footwear. The problem…
It's a miracle: Quigley the dog survives a 90-foot plunge off a cliff into the Spokane River. (Parker Howell/S-R)Question: How close has your dog come to a brush with death?
It's been a little slow, but I hope this substitute-teacher bit is better than letting the blog lay fallow for a week (I'm frightened to think what that says about me if it isn't). Keep your posts coming my way.Here's the afternoon wild card...
Vice President Cheney had some choice words for the New York Times yesterday (in Grand Island, Neb., where I graduated from high school, and is neither grand nor an island), and one congressman is calling for the Justice Department to "begin an investigation and prosecution"…
Gracious! I was planning to peek at the blog before I hit the sack. And spent 20 minute skimming the comments section. Hilarious! I can see why that's so dang addictive. Partisans were toe to toe fighting out which side I love most. I felt…
This question and answer on Ask the Editors ties closely to a discussion on HBO last week. Here, opinion page editor Doug Floyd responds to a reader who questions why we didn't write an editorial about the torture death of two U.S. soldiers:I should also…
There's been a lot of talk on the news shows this weekend about a proposal by the Iraqi government to provide amnesty for insurgents who renounce violence and haven't engaged in terrorist acts. Some say that Iraq is finally asserting its sovereignty and working on…
As I mentioned Friday, Blogmeister Ken Paulman will be posting links, comments, photos, etc., that you send him this week at kenp@spokesman.com. He might even toss in some things on his own. In other words, I may be on vacation, but you can still entertain…
I have plenty below to keep you entertained when you return from sunning yourself today, HBOers. I'll be running Wild Cards for the other days in my weeklong vacation. But, remember, Blogmeister Ken Paulman has volunteered to post your links, questions, comments, and photos next…
President Bush comforts Kaleb Kroon (2) of the Dolcom Little League Indians, Groton, Conn. held by his mother Betty, after their T-Ball games against the McGuire Air Force Base, N.J. Little League Yankees Friday on the South Lawn of the White House. You write the…
"Gov. Jim Risch has been in North Idaho a lot since taking office – every week and sometimes more than once a week. So when state Sen. Dick Compton introduced Risch today to speak to the Rotary Club in Coeur d’Alene, S-R reporter Meghann Cuniff…
Read "Rudy Envy" below, and you'll find out why Councilman Mike Kennedy (second from left) would make a good Hobbit.Birds of A FeatherA fiftysomething Coeur d'Alene Berry Picker had the misfortune of waiting for a red light at Fourth & Appleway, eastbound, behind a Degeneration…
Attention: HBOers, Blogmeister Ken Paulman has volunteered to keep the blog moving next week, by posting copy and links that you send him. He'll also post things he sees while keeping the software gears running smoothly on our online product and surfing the Internet. I'll…
CDDave writes of day's gone by when chamber types tried to lure visitors with postcards like the one above and of trying to get around in downtown Coeur d'Alene this Coeur d'Alene Ironman week here.*Stebbijo Unzipped isn't surprised by the charges of corruption being leveled…
5:15 p.m., Blogmeister Ken Sands called from the bloggers convention in S.F. to say his USA Today newspaper today contained a cardboard insert advertising $500,000 lots on a Jack Nicklas golf course overlooking ... Lake Pend Oreille. There's goes the neighborhood. Can you say "higher…
Coeur d'Alene Police have just announced a break in a serial rape investigation from 2003. They arrested 33-year-old Paul Hawkins at his workplace at 2 PM Friday and charged him with four counts of 1st Degree Rape. Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Wendy Carpenter joined officers…
Dunno of an Inland Northwesterner who doesn't like the Oregon Coast. I once was offered an asst. M.E. job at Coos Bay. But turned it down for an asst. news editor job at the Lewiston Morning Tribune. Way better newspaper. However, I try to get…
James Bond: Oh goodie, another death penalty! There's almost no question he'll get it. Then, it will NEVER happen. We'll have years and years and years of multiple appeals, bouncing back and forth costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and requiring witnesses and family…
Jason Romero fishes Thursday in Bremerton, Wash., as clouds are reflected in the calm water/Larry Steagall, AP Photo/Kitsap Sun.Postman: Seattle librarians lobbying national delegates to call for Bush impeachment here.1. For Eric Devericks/Seattle Times, the old cut-and-run scenario is on the other foot now here.2.…
Issue: Judicial campaign expensive: Amaro outspent winner Mitchell in 1st District primary race/Taryn Brodwater, Spokesman-ReviewMore Info: Attorney Rami Amaro spent $57,216, including nearly $48,000 of her own money, on her failed attempt to unseat 1st District Judge John T. Mitchell in last month's primary election.…
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.