Question: How do you think the current immigration crisis will be dealt with? 1. There will be full-scale civil war 2. There will be widespread violence for a long time 3. Passage of a guest-worker program will quell the unrest 4. Ultimately, the U.S. will…
Issue: High School Glory DaysDFO: I was compiling the Best of the INorthwest today when I saw an online poll question from the Whitefish Pilot on Flathead Lake, near Kalispell, Mont. It asked: "Would you like to repeat your high school years." I didn't hesitate…
Familial responsibilities are going to keep me home tonight. Grandma needs some TLC after a recent tough move. But I wish Bearable Bob and others who attend the best. It'll be interesting to see what friendships are formed from the get-together. I've been to a…
The University of Idaho and other parties others associated with an ill-fated, multimillion-dollar attempt to expand into Boise have settled almost all of the legal claims surrounding the project. The key point is that trust funds used to finance the University Place project – in…
Issue: Most say they're better off than 4 years ago: New poll finds Americans of all types sense progress/WorldNetDailyDFO: My home is four years closer to being paid less. My last child is two years closer to being out of college. I'm still happily married.…
Rain water fills depressions in sandstone along the rims after record rainfall in the Billings Mont area Thursday morning. Wednesday and Thursday were the rainiest consecutive March days in the history of record-keeping at Billings Logan International Airport, according to the National Weather Service office…
Bob: Y'know, the wankosphere has been sneering at the Demo Security Plan but it has the feel of a congregation of chickenhawks whistling past the graveyard of Iraq...the Thuglican plan has failed miserably...the neoclowns have destabilized the Middle East, given the terrorists a rich breeding…
Idawa: Here's a question as I have not watched Cd'A/Spokane new in a while: Is KHQ still the most ridiculous new cast on television?DFO: I'm a lousy one to ask because I'm not much of a television news watcher, local or otherwise. (So, you guys…
Issue: Winning formula: Shock triumph in thrilling debut before 9,386 at the Arena/Jim Meehan, Spokesman-ReviewJim Meehan: "If every game is like this, the Spokane Shock might be on to something."DFO: Hmmm.Question: Are you curious enough about Arena2 Football to spend a few bucks to watch…
Issue: The whole Terri Schiavo story: 15-year saga of brain-injured woman no clear-cut, right-to-die case/WorldNetDailyQuestion: A year later, what is your opinion of Terri Schiavo's death? 1. It was the right thing to do, respecting her wishes 2. She was in a persistent vegetative state,…
Issue: Study: Praying won't affect heart patients: Critics say question of God's reaction simply can't be explored by science/Associated Press Additional Info: In the largest scientific test of its kind, heart surgery patients showed no benefit when strangers prayed for their recovery. And patients who…
Jose Mendoza-Perez, left, and Keegan Miller, students at the Vistula Head Start in Angola, Indiana, work together to blow a giant bubble Wednesday, during a science bubble experiment. You write the cutline. (APhoto/Andy Barrand, Angola Herald-Republican)Top Cutlines:1. A perfect example of immigrants trying to take…
"Young newspaper readers are no different than older people who enjoy newspapers (aside from being better-looking). We are looking for an in-depth analysis of issues that blogs, TV and radio are incapable of providing. We are also the minority of the two youth groups. Young…
Butte-Silver Bow Chamber of Commerce director, Marko Lucich, poses Tuesday on the chamber run viewing platform overlooking the Berkeley Pit, one of America's largest bodies of toxic water, in Butte, Mont. the Chamber of Commerce in this mining city is charging admission to see the…
Jose Mendoza-Perez, left, and Keegan Miller, students at the Vistula Head Start in Angola, Indiana, work together to blow a giant bubble Wednesday, during a science bubble experiment. You write the cutline. (APhoto/Andy Barrand, Angola Herald-Republican)
Abortion statistics are as tricky as those in sports. On the surface, for example, a baseball player might hit for a decent average – around .265, with some home runs sprinkled in – and would seem to be a solid player for any ball club.…
1. APhoto Fix: American reporter Jill Carroll was set free Thursday, nearly three months after she was kidnapped in a bloody ambush that killed her translator. She said she had been treated well. Above, she appears on a video aired in Kuwait Feb. 9, asking…
Chris Rodkey (re: P.S. question, "How would Al Gore have reacted if he'd been president during 9/11?"): Not to engage in a fight that obviously has no winners (this is a really imflammatory post, Dave, I'm not sure what you expect to gain from this)…
Truthseeker: Hayden: Land of the free (Free-wheeling sprawl, free congestion, free miles of vinyl fencing, free crowded schools, free of a small town feel, free of long-term residents, free of unobstructed views, free for the taking ... )DFO: Congratulations, Truthseeker, this is the best entry…
There isn't much to feature tonight on the Best of the Local Blogs, so I'm opting for one of CDADave's Wayback Machine photos. Here, you'll see Templin's restaurant, which used to block the view of Lake Coeur d'Alene (between the present clock tower and Independence…
AP photo"The heartbroken love child of Yankee superstar Randy Johnson yesterday broke her silence for the first time to describe how the peevish pitcher coldly responded to letters she sent him as a little girl pleading to meet him. 'I would get cards back from…
Stephanie King, left, Rhiannon Edwards, center, and Alex Hancock, embrace Tuesday in Seattle, during a Service of Hope for six victims killed Saturday in a house-party shooting spree. Meanwhile, a young man said he invited Kyle Huff to his after-hours party because he was "sketchy"…
This photograph, released by sculptor Daniel Edwards on Tuesday shows his sculpture of singer Britney Spears giving birth. The life-sized 'Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston' can be seen at the artists studio in in Moosup, Conn. You write the cutline. (AP Photo/Daniel…
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.