Lewiston Trib: How Is Your Living Room Decorated?
How is your living room decorated this Christmas season? -- Lewiston Tribune.*With a real Christmas tree*With a fake Christmas tree*No holiday decorations*Other
How is your living room decorated this Christmas season? -- Lewiston Tribune.*With a real Christmas tree*With a fake Christmas tree*No holiday decorations*Other
Item: Property buyers may have to disclose prices: Kootenai, Bonner counties say data needed to calculate taxes/Erica F. Curless, Spokesman-ReviewMore Info: Kootenai and Bonner counties may become the first in Idaho to require property buyers to disclose sale prices since Multiple Listing Services are no…
Question: If your vote for president were based on one issue, what would it be? 1. Abortion stance 2. American sovereignty 3. Border security/immigration 4. Candidate's honesty, trustworthiness 5. Economy/taxes 6. Global warming/environment 7. Gun rights 8. Health care 9. Iraq war 10. Other
I took my nine-year-old son to see "Golden Compass" today. It's pretty action-packed but the story is confusing and set in an alternate universe, sort of a cross between Dickensian England and Narnia. There were lots of violent battles, but not much different from the…
Michael Ramirez/Investor's Business Daily
I hope you all had a chance to read the two-story package on new WSU football coach Paul Wulff this morning. I think even non-sports fans will appreciate the Cougar coach's incredible life story. It reads like a Court TV real-life drama or a Lifetime…
I finished reading "The Bourne Ultimatum" and watching the movie of the same title. The title is the only similarity between the two. Thumbs up for the book. The movie was OK. I picked up another book at the library tonight, "The Beautiful Cigar Girl"…
Read a review in "7" by a seasoned film critic who claimed to be nonplussed about the whole 3D deal... until he went and saw Beowolf, that is. He >filled the whole column singing the praises of the 3D experience, talking about how people were…
Orange, considering the downsizing of late with the SR I'm surprised you try to "slip stuff" into your column that you know your editor will have to remove. Could come a time when it becomes more trouble than it's worth for him to babysit your…
Tom Davenport/SR Handle ExtraTwice a month in Handle Extra, photojournalist Tom Davenport offers a new look at a place famiiar to Kootenai County residents. We'd like you to guess where the photograph was taken, and write a few words about the place. Tell us why…
Item: LCDC plays the waiting game: Executive director thinks developers want to see results of current projects/Lucy Dukes, Coeur d'Alene PressMore Info: The Lake City Development Corp. has had only one application for partnership funding since this fiscal year began in October -- though the…
I plan to sleep in. Mebbe hit the library and do a little Christmas shopping today as I begin to focus on Christmas a some days off, beginning Thursday. I'm at that point where I need a break. My second column of the week will…
Steve Nehl/Oregonian, APPrisoners at the Oregon State Correctional Facility meet in the recreation room and crochet. They make blankets for the homeless, socks for sick kids and hats for people undergoing chemotherapy. The Crochet Club in the Oregon State Correctional Institution has 25 members plus…
Coeur d'Alene city attorney Gridley knows right-wing conspiracy theorists will cluck their tongues when they discover he ison his way to Vietnam to ride bikes from Saigon to Hanoi. "They already think I'm a commie," said Gridley, an affable public servant who'll never be forgiven…
The lines are getting longer at local post offices. When do you plan to ship your holiday packages?/Idaho Statesman. *Already done*Today or tomorrow*This week, hopefully*Dec. 24*2008
I'm torn. I love baseball and I was initially angered by the steroid accusations and the entire specter of cheating within my beloved sport. But I wonder how different is this than corked bats and spitballs? Babe Ruth hit all his home runs with dead…
Except for the Ivies, no school has anymore important brand tool than their athletic prowess at the undergrad recruiting level. For instance, take your beloved Gonzaga. A fine regional University (in full disclosure my father in law and his brothers are all GU grads, so…
Matt Rourke/AP PhotoJoseph Vento, owner of Geno's Steaks in Philadelphia, displays a sign during a recess of a Commission on Human Relations hearing in Philadelphia today. The hearing was over alleged violations of the Philadelphia Fair Practices Ordinance by Geno's Steaks for posting signs asking…
Item: Hagadone wants 200-foot dock for new home/Erica Curless, Spokesman-ReviewMore Info: oeur d’Alene resident Julie Dalsaso, who paid $75 to request the meeting, said Hagadone touted that his next-door neighbors support the proposal and that nobody has ever complained about his garden parties. “He’s forgotten…
Minority employees at an East Sherman Avenue deli may have been targetted for malicious harassment. CPD Blue reports that a racist flyer was left in the front door of Piggies Deli around 3 a.m. Thursday. The flyer contains racist remarks and photos, concluding with the…
Silver Valley Stories PhotoSilver Valley Girl and her daughter travel to Boise to meet Idaho astronaut Barbara Morgan here.*As an atheist, Arch Druid sez she gives gifts during the Christmas season as "an act of blessing and generosity. She gives food gifts, tailored to any…
Item: Gunman boasted of following 'wickedest man in the world': E-mail to ministry: 'I have studied, practiced teachings' of occultists/WorldNetDailyQuestion: Who do you think is the 'wickedest man on Earth' today? 1. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 2. Osama bin Laden 3. George W. Bush 4. Hillary Clinton…
Then he showed up: my hero. He was a middle-aged man, dressed for working in some downtown office building, smiling warmly and surrounded by a faint corona of angelic light as he asked, “Can I give you a hand with those?” The heavenly gleam was…
Julie Dalsaso reports that Duane Hagadone showed up at that Department of Lands meeting last night, to argue in favor of his dock/helipad request for his Casco Bay home. Julie was a bit ticked that Hagadone and his lieutenant, John Barlow, received 15 minutes apiece…
re: Funeral home moves in near senior centerEli Yates is strongly mistaken if he does not believe that Coeur d' Alene can handle a new funeral home. Looking at the market the area has long been overdue for a third facility. CDA supported the old…
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.
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