HBO’s Best of the Local Blogs — 12/19/07
No, this isn't the camel that the wise men rode during the original Christmas, but the delightful young lady in the picture will appear in Your Post Falls Voice a week from tomorrow, Dec. 27, promises Sweet & Sour Herb.
*Hauser Thoughts tells us a real-life Christmas miracle and a real-life love story re: her uncle, 88, and her aunt, 85, here.
*At The Skinny On North Idaho, Ralph Bartholdt of the St. Maries Gazette-Record treks in from Benewah County to discover there's little left of the Rathdrum Prairie here.
*'Twas One Week Before Christmas and Silver Valley Girl decided to try her hand at the famous old rhyme, Kellogg style, here.
*Mrs. Mac Energetic has had her panties in a bind twice this Christmas season as a result of poor cuss-tomer service here.
*After tons of tests and attempts at cures, Slight Detour's doctors concluded correctly that "some people get migraines, some get hives, and some trot a lot when stress gets too intense" here.
*Sparky's Notes flashes back to 1984 when the song, "They'll Know It's Christmas," was a hit on two continents -- and she was forced to perform it 35 times, not including practices -- here.
HBO Numbers (for Tuesday, Dec. 18): 7842 page-views and 4479 unique views.
Meanwhile, A Butterfly Moment is counting down the days until Christmas vacation here; CastMD looks at expanded patient liability here; S&S Herb grades NY teachers here; Notes On A Napkin sez home is sweet indeed here; Granati waits for his Fallujah-bound brother-in-law here; Perspectives obviously is smitten by his new dog here; Rants, Raves & Random Thoughts shares an interesting e-mail here;