Washington Turns On ‘Liar’ Heckler
In a rare moment of unity in the bitter American healthcare debate, both sides of the political spectrum have turned on a Republican congressman after his extraordinary heckle of President Obama during a keynote speech last night. Joe Wilson, of South Carolina, breached Washington etiquette by calling Mr Obama a liar as he addressed the joint houses of Congress last night. During an impassioned speech in support of his flagship health reform plan, Mr Obama insisted that there would be no provision for illegal immigrants to receive state-sponsored medical assistance. Mr Wilson responded to the claim by shouting “You lie!”. Two words that were greeted by groans and murmurs of disapproval from across the chamber. The President paused, looked in the direction of the outspoken congressman and said calmly: “That’s not true”/London Times. More here.
Question: What do you make of this situation?