Sis: 2011 Was A Very Good Year
As I turned 71, it was a very good year. While some think of it as the winter of their lives, I found it to be a second breath of life. This year of 2011, found a winter that was taking its time leaving us. And as April came around to add that extra year. It also brought some extra money. So the year started, with demolition derby. As we tore apart walls and took out drawers and cabinets and sink. Out went the old door, hello French doors. Then it was time to put it together. May came and went, and I finally had a sink again. No more washing dishes on the back deck or in the shower. In went insulation, and a new dish washer.. Up went beautiful wood cabinets and out with the old orange metal ones/Sis, From A Simple Mind. More here. (AP photo, of Times Square at stroke of midnight on New Year's Day 2011)
Question: Can you describe a high and a low from your 2011?