Propeller Slices Mivoden Staffer’s Head
At about 9:45 AM, deputies from the Kootenai County Sheriff's Department and Northern Lakes Fire personnel responded to an injury boat accident on Hayden Lake, near Camp Mivoden. Several staff members from Camp Mivoden were on a pontoon boat in front of the Camp, putting on a skit for new campers when one of the actors, 19-year-old Joshua Gaskill (photo from Camp Mivoden website) from Yakima, Wash., jumped off the bow of the moving boat. Initial investigation indicates that Gaskill's head struck the outdrive and propeller of the boat, causing lacerations to his scalp. Gaskill was transported to Kootenai Medical Center for his injuries/Stu Miller, Kootenai County Sheriff's Department. More here.