Marty: Jeers To Risch For Pulling Rank
JEERS ... to U.S. Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho. Risch mistreated a Capitol Hill security officer so severely his behavior caught the eye of The Hill newspaper. That cop stopped the freshman senator "for blowing by the Russell (Senate Office Building) security desk en route to the Capitol," the Hill reported. "Hey!" the cop yelled. Flagging Risch's attention, he asked for identification. Here's how The Hill tells the rest of the story: " 'Oh yes, I have an ID,' Risch responded, irritation creeping into his voice while he pulled out his wallet and flashed his senator's ID card. " 'Will you remember me now?' asked Risch, who has been a member of the Senate for two and a half years. "The cop turned slightly pink after Risch walked off." Now there are two way to handle this kind of situation. One is to be gracious and respect the fact that a cop is just doing a difficult, but vital job. The other is to pull rank/Marty Trillhaase, Lewiston Tribune. More here.
Question: Have you ever had someone pull rank on you -- or go over your head -- when you were trying to do a job that s/he didn't like?