Izzit me, or are the natives less restless this year than less re: fireworks. Usually, my neighborhood is a war zone on the Fourth -- and the lowbrows continue to shoot off fireworks for weeks afterward. This year, there was the usual pop on the…
A visitor takes a photo at an unofficial Caylee Anthony memorial in Orlando, Fla., Wednesday. Anthony waits to learn if she could spend her first night out of jail in almost three years since she was first accused in the case. It's possible that Judge…
The latest national Gallup poll on social attitudes reports a new number one issue that most divides the American public. For years the issue has been abortion. Today it is physician assisted suicide (PAS). While 48 percent of the respondents said the matter was “morally…
5:28 p.m. A dog is locked in a red Chevy pickup w/Washington plates in Stateline WalMart, Row 2. 5:11 p.m. CdA woman has gotten protection order after day-long fight w/male who is refusing to leave. 4:52 p.m. Kootenai County Fire District wants to see officer…
Andrew Mason, left, CEO of Groupon, and Erik Lefkofsky, Chiarman of Groupon, leave a conference session at the Sun Valley Inn for the 2011 Allen and Co. Sun Valley Conference today in Sun Valley. Sisyphus/43rd State Blues writes about the beautiful people gathering in Sun…
Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, is seen in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories on Tuesday. You write the cutline. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Jonathan Hayward) Top Cutlines: 1. Organizers were forced to move the hockey venue outdoors after Kate’s royal “hotness” melted all the indoor ice --…
"While exiting Boise (July 4) and heading back to Catalina, I thanked the TSA rep at the airport for her service on Independence Day," posts Dennis Mansfield. "'Happy 4th of July', I said. Her quiet answer took me by surprise. She looked both ways, then…
Earlier today, I published a post in which Mary Souza complained about the disrespect she perceived that the Tea Party Patriots mega-truck (courtesy of Ron Nilson's Ground Force) entry got from some during Fourth of July Parade. Huckleberries has received a photo of some of…
A visitor to Yellowstone National Park is dead after an encounter with a grizzly bear on Wednesday morning. The incident occurred on the Wapiti Lake trail, which is located east of the Grand Loop Road south of Canyon Village. The husband and wife couple had…
Update from Victoria Bruno at City Hall: The contractor working on the Education Corridor project has hit and broken a 12-inch water main on River Avenue. In the process of isolating the broken pipe segment, the contractor has turned off more valves than necessary. The…
Dan Gookin in Fortgrounds neighborhood reports: (photo from Dan above near Fort Ground Grill): "The construction company at the Mill Site has broken a water main. Water is out at the Fort Ground Grill, and the pressure is low here at my house. I phoned…
For most Americans (myself included), I bet that oil spills merely register as some distant event they watch on CNN. Sure, BP’s Deepwater Horizon nightmare in the Gulf garnered weeks of intense media attention, but unless the affected area of the Gulf is tangibly relevant…
Now, this is very sad. Dennis Widener, the bicyclist seriously injured in the hit-and-run accident reported on Page 1 of the SR today and featured in the "AM Headlines" roundup here, has died. According to the latest SR report, Widener died of a heart attack…
President Barack Obama, accompanied by Twitter co-founder and Executive Chairman Jack Dorsey, left, answers a question posted by House Speaker of the House John Boehner of Ohio, seen on the screen, during the first ever Twitter Town Hall today in the East Room of the…
So off we went, our party of 10, including two little ones in a tow-behind on their dad's bike. The 13-mile (Route of the Hiawatha) adventure at 4,160-foot elevation started by riding into the 1.6 mile Taft Tunnel, which burrows under the Bitterroot Mountain range,…
Greeted by the smoky aroma of grilled meat as I approached Grille from Ipanema, I knew something good was in store. Inside, blond wood, colorful banners and Brazilian music create a festive atmosphere in this Coeur d’Alene steakhouse. “This is the traditional style of barbecuing…
I've come to the conclusion that the glass is always 9/10ths empty for Mary Souza of OpenCDA.com. Seems Mary was riding on that massive Ground Force truck, provided by Ron Nilson, with other local Tea Party Patriots during the 2011 Coeur d'Alene Fourth of July…
Dennis: I went through Yellowstone the other day and I honestly have to say that I was sure I was gonna witness “Darwin’s Theory” in all it’s glory. It started with the group of tourists walking up to within 20 feet of a very large…
Toby Moore (right), 4, watches while his brother Kai, 1, gets a drink from a water fountain at Reaney Park in Pullman on Tuesday. The boys are the sons of Mae and Alex Moore of Pullman. (Moscow-Pullman Daily News photo: Geoff Crimmins) Cartoon: We've got…
12:01 p.m. A loose dog has been caught in McCall Park, off Strahorn, Hayden Lake. 11:57 a.m. PFPD Blues responding to physical domestic @ 3250 Parkridge Loop apartments. 11:37 a.m. St. Vinny's, 201 E. Harrison, wants to see officer re: possible sex offense. 11:30 a.m.…
I tried to call you at work last Friday afternoon, the day beforethe long weekend. You weren’t there. Same deal Tuesday afternoon — yesterday — the day after a long weekend. Ditto last Wednesday morning — a little before noon — a moment in time…
Speakers promoting controversial conspiracy theories may be hurting ticket sales, according to Tea Party Boise, which is making a late push to improve attendance. Steven Jones, a physicist who founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, will keynote "Awake and Arise America" set for Northwest…
You've enjoyed Linda Lantzy's Idaho Scenic Images photos for some time at Huckleberries Online. Now, you have a chance to see 20-plus of them on a canvas or matted and framed at the Hayden City Gallery at Hayden City Hall. The exhibition begins today and…
Tuesday Poll: By a slim margin, 24 of 89 respondents (26.97%) said they enjoyed neighborhood fireworks displays on Monday. 23 of 89 (25.84%) said they enjoyed them until midnight. But some continued too long. 22 of 89 (24.72%) said personal fireworks should be banned in…
Many of the state's top GOP officials are shucking and ducking about a proposal that would allow party committees to vet would-be candidates before their names appear on a primary ballot. But not state schools superintendent Tom Luna. He doesn't like the idea. "I'm a…
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.