Crump: Aggravating People For Living
As one who aggravates people for a living, I'd like to say a few words in praise of annoyance. What a bleak, monochrome world this would be if you got through your day without your blood pressure playing chicken with your coronary arteries. What's the point of living if you can't overreact every time your grandson asks, "Why can't I?'" We Idahoans, I believe, have a special flair for getting under your skin - an artful combination of disingenuousness and cussedness, I suspect. The trick, of course, is sincerity: He annoys best who irritates best without guile. ("Hell, yes, I'd be glad to give you a lift to the gas station. Jus' climb in back there with the manure")/Steve Crump, Twin Falls Times-News. More here.
Question: Have often do you overreact?