Croquet Grows Quietly In McCall
Around the corner on a certain dirt road in the woods near McCall, there waits a sight that is hard to believe: a perfectly level, felt-green croquet court. It is immediately evident that this lawn isn't for your backyard barbecue variety croquet. The court is bordered by granite glacial erratics and covered in manicured, quarter-inch Kentucky bluegrass, trim as a golf green. Sturdy, inch-thick wickets stand like tiny triumphal arches--they're only one-eighth of an inch wider than the balls. Most impressively, the whole thing is an 85-foot by 105-foot laser-level rectangle carved into the forested hillside by Xandy (pronounced Sandy) Carter, founder and proprietor of the McCall Croquet Club /Daniel Clausen, Boise Weekly. More here. (SR file photo by Christopher Anderson, for illustrative purposes)
Question: Do you like to play croquet?