Blogfest 2011 Coming To FG Grill
There's three days remaining until the long delayed Blogfest 2011, officially called Summer Hucks Bentfest, which acknowledges its ties to Huckleberries Online and to renown BBQer Bent, who will be providing the beef for the event. You are all welcome to the party that runs from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday at Steve Widmyer's Fort Ground Grill in Coeur d'Alene's historic Fortground area. Meat, baked beans, pop, & bottled water will be provided free. Guests are asked to bring a main dish, salad, or dessert (named after a Huckleberries Online theme, i.e. Sgt. Christie's DanG Good Cupcakes). Bent will have some of his home-brew beer to sample. If you can't bring something, don't worry. Come any way.