Press: No Confidence In GOP CC
Editor Mike Patrick of the Coeur d'Alene Press slugged one over the fence this morning with his editorial, "Vote of confidence." In it, he points out the silliness of the Far Right, which is in control of the GOP Central Committees in Kootenai County and North Idaho, noting that it condemns decent state senators like Shawn Keough and Joyce Broadsword for simply offering a redistricting plan, while embracing the tax-dodging Rep. Phil Hart of Athol. Quote: "Region One committee members castigated the senators for "failure to adhere to Republican principles" and 'purposely attempting to cause electoral run-offs between Idaho conservative legislators in order to further your progressive agendas.' Progressive agendas? Last we looked, Broadsword and Keough couldn't be mistaken for Feinstein and Pelosi, but that's the point, isn't it? If the public has lost confidence in anybody, it's those jerking the reins of the Republican Central Committee." More here.
Question: Are you very confident in the GOP Central Committee leadership in Kootenai County or Region 1?