Sho-Con: Drop Notre Dame Mascot
Shoshone Conservative (re: "Fighting over a mascot"): Being Scottish, Irish, and German, I demand that Notre Dame drop their “Fighting Irish” mascot, since it fosters negative stereotypes about the Irish temperament. I also demand that the University of Idaho drop the name “Vandals”,. since it offends my Germanic roots. Not to mention, I demand that any team calling itself the “Highlanders” immediate rid themselves of such an offensive mascot! Since some of my forebears were farmers, I also demand that any team calling itself the “Aggies” find a new name forthwith! If I were Greek, I would also be offended by any school calling its team the “Trojans” or the “Spartans.” I’m sure even “Titans” would be considered blasphemous to those who still follow the ancient Greek religion (there’s probably a few out there somewhere). I guess it’s still O.K. to name teams after animals (Grizzlies, Broncos, Eagles, etc.)… Though, PETA may have an issue with that…
- Best Comment: Shoshone Conservative wins a $10 gift certificate from Fort Ground Grill for the best comment from Tuesday's threads.