Here's one last item that Opinion Page Editor Marty Trillhaase of the Lewiston Tribune noted among the curious resolutions passed by the Idaho Republican Central Committee at their recent state convention in Moscow: "Repudiate Senate Majority Caucus Chairman John McGee, R-Caldwell. Sure, McGee famously got…
Opinion Page Editor Marty Trillhaase jeered the Idaho Republican Central Committee for chasing "boogeymen" at its state convention when more important matters went begging. His list of goofy resolutions includes: Get the Environmental Protection Agency out of the Silver Valley. Shackle schools to one election…
CHEERS ... to U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho. Along with "Gang of Six" Republicans Saxby Chambliss of Georgia and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, and Democrats Dick Durbin of Illinois, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ken Conrad of North Dakota, Crapo struck a budget deal to…
Let's play a little "Jeopardy." The category: Best kept secrets. The clue: In excess of $153,800. The answer in the form of a question: How much money did University of Idaho student Mark Runsvold ultimately make on America's favorite television game show? Prior to his…
One of about 600 goats grazes in a fenced area above Collister Road in Boise Wednesday. The Boise Parks and Recreation Department is dispatching a herd of goats to feast upon rush skeletonweed in the 680-acre Polecat Gulch Reserve. (Statesman/AP photo: Darin Oswald) Idaho Records/Sherry…
On the tailgate of a white bobtail parked on Walnut b/n 5th & 6th/CdA this morning: "Are you drunk or just on your cell phone?" and: "Don't act stupid, we have politicians for that."
If it feels as though our governments are nickel and diming you to death, they are. If it’s not new or higher taxes being proposed, it’s some new fee. The newest tact involves city governments passing ever higher utility franchise fees, which then get passed…
At least three states are vowing to ignore the latest requirements under the No Child Left Behind law in an act of defiance against the federal government that demonstrates their growing frustration over an education program they say sets unrealistic benchmarks for schools. The law…
Item: County cuts, consolidates: Moves will result in annual savings of $429,554/Alecia Warren, Press More Info: The Kootenai County commissioners have cut another 10 staff positions across several departments, including the full elimination of Adult Pre-Trial Services. The annual savings from the reductions will be…
Today, I make the last payment on a loan that I took out five years ago. 'Tis sweet to pay something off. And free up money, especially in these hard economic times when pay cuts, furloughs, layoffs continue to be the norm. Dunno how I'm…
On his Facebook wall, Serephin, of 43rd State Blues fame (or infamy), writes: "Been a comic book reader since back when Jesus was hotrodding T-rexes. Mostly Marvel, and still have a box full of assorted comics from the House of Ideas (Howard the Duck #1,…
6:05 p.m. A brown cow & a black one are loose in Habitat for Humanity lot @ H95 & Wyoming/Hayden. 5:50 p.m. Woman on N. Meyer/Rathdrum told boyfriend she'd overdose on pills if she found a bottle. 5:46 p.m. Possible camper trailer fire on Coopers…
Jenifer Schneider, "The Cannon Lady" is blasted out of the 27-foot barrel of a truck mounted cannon into the air some 40 feet landing in a safety net down the street in front of the Finlen Hotel on East Broadway during the opening day of…
A bull by the name of Wandering Comet sits in a pen behind the Idaho Center arena after being painted pink for Tough Enough For Pink night on Wednesday at the Snake River Stampede Rodeo in Nampa. Idaho Press-Tribune story here. You write the cutline.…
After a year and a half on the job, Todd Christensen is done as president and chief executive officer of the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce. Christensen, who replaced longtime CEO Jonathan Coe in January 2010, declined to discuss details of his departure when contacted…
Mike Martz might think the Chicago Bears could be ready to play the Hall of Fame game on a day's notice, but linebacker Brian Urlacher doesn't believe the team will be able to play on the scheduled date of Aug. 7. "I think the Hall…
Pecky Cox/As The Lake Churns reminds her Facebook Friends this afternoon that it was just over a year ago (July 16, 2010) that some cad burned the famous Shoe Tree of Priest Lake. The jerk has never been brought to justice. You can read the…
Graham Creek announced Thursday that it will be closed for the public due to frequent bear encounters in the area. Graham Creek is located approximately 14 miles northbound on Forest Highway 9, north of Pinehurst. Authorities stated that there is potential for danger if bears…
The North Idaho College Facebook page for mascot Cecil Cardinal offers an album of photos from a gathering on NIC Beach for Cecil's Facebook followers this week, including this one of summer students enjoying Lake Coeur d'Alene this week. Obviously, the photo wasn't snapped today…
Indulge me in a rant about interest group questionnaires and the absurd length contained therein to ensure a candidate is a purist before he or she can receive the group’s nod, its mailing list and a donation from its PAC. Were we not taught in…
This has not been a good week for the Lochsa River but it isn’t the familiar megaloads controversy that has grabbed the limelight. Officials are in the Kooskia area today trying to decide the best way to remove tons of unprocessed toilet paper that was…
There's three days remaining until the long delayed Blogfest 2011, officially called Summer Hucks Bentfest, which acknowledges its ties to Huckleberries Online and to renown BBQer Bent, who will be providing the beef for the event. You are all welcome to the party that runs…
Love can make a person do unexpected things. For Rusty Clemons, it motivated him to wash dishes at his brother’s Colville restaurant. A pretty waitress named Marie had caught his eye. One night when the dishwasher didn’t show up, Marie offered to pitch in, and…
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.