Constitutionalists Target Lake City Art
The Kootenai County Constitution Party plans to protest the dedication Friday of the city of Coeur d'Alene's art-on-loan program as a result of the inclusion of a "Hindu demon, Ganesh, statue" now displayed on Sherman Avenue in downtown Coeur d'Alene. Mayor Sandi Bloem will oversee the dedication, which is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. during the monthly ArtWalk program. On the Constitution Party Web site, the following notice is given: "Christians of Kootenai County should be dismayed at the appearance of a Hindu demon, Ganesh, statue that is currently found on Sherman ave in Coeur d’Alene soon. The godless group of individuals that manage the “art” of the city have approved and paid with tax-payer money for a Rick Davis to sculpt a statue as ugly as sin." The site goes on to list the members of the 12 members of the Art Commission who serve three-year terms. Click here. (Photo: Hinduism)