Worst movies of 2012

Taylor Kitsch in “John Carter,” definitely Disney’s low moment of 2012
They could have fed a Third World nation, or poured money into cancer research, or tried saving those polar bears stuck on itty-bitty ice floes. But no-o-o-o-o, Hollywood had better things to do with its hundreds of millions of dollars, like letting Adam Sandler make “That’s My Boy,” and thinking we needed a remake of “Red Dawn.”
Sure, the film biz isn’t in it for the philanthropy, and it’s totally unfair to hold the expenditure of $250 million (“John Carter”) or even a paltry $102 million (“Cloud Atlas”) against actors, directors, and second grips engaged in earnest endeavors to create something memorable, or moving, or just fun.
After all, no one intentionally sets out to make 90 minutes or two hours or three hours of stupefying dreck, right? “Right?! RIGHT?!!” More here.
The Hobbit made the list. The only one of these I saw in the theater was The Strange Life of Timothy Green. While the movie had many flaws, I really enjoyed the story. Have you seen any of these ficks? What gets your vote for all-time worst movie?