Ex-Deputy Green Wants To Be Sheriff
A former Texas deputy turned criminal justice lawyer is running for Kootenai County sheriff. John Green, 52, is seeking the office's top spot as a Republican, aiming his campaign on finding solutions to ease jail crowding other than building a new facility, increasing deputy financial compensation as well as street presence as a crime deterrent, and supporting legislation to allow deputies more leeway on public intoxication calls. ... Green has 10 years of law enforcement experience in Texas, with 300 arrests, most for felony violations, that he would bring to the post, he said, as well as 20 years of practicing law. He would pursue other avenues for jail space rather than building a new facility, such as using existing county buildings, possibly even tents, to house inmates if it proved to be effective/Tom Hasslinger, Coeur d'Alene Press. More here. (John Green Facebook photo)
Question: Is the use of other county building and even tents a reasonable option for housing Kootenai County prisoners?