Baseball Diamond Plan Angers Mary
Mary Souza of was shocked -- shocked, I tell you -- to see a story on The front page of Thursday’s Press featuring "Ron Ouren’s big smiling face as he was holding up detailed, professionally designed renderings of a baseball facility at Cherry Hill." Then, Mary rightly calculates that such serious planning is needed "to produce professional layouts complete with locker rooms, a baseball museum and a Hall of Fame. I’m guessing these were months in the making, if not longer." She then goes on to finger Team McEuen as the originator of the plans, adding that they'd take months to complete. In her "gotcha!" moment, Mary notes that Parks Director Doug Eastwood (who almost singlehandedly has transformed the city's park system into something magnificent) didn't mention the ball diamond when he made his recent pitch to the City Council to buy the Eagles property on 15th to expand Cherry Hill Park. You can read Mary's latest newsletter here.