North Idaho Blogs — 3.16.12
"Look out," Facebooks Cindy, "I'm going shooting with the girls tonite. I hope they've got a pink pistol at the shooting range! Derek couldn't find me any pink safety glasses, so he brought me some red ones."
- Walk now, scapegoat later/Arch Druid
- Anti-bullying campaigns on Cartoon Network?/Dennis Mansfield
- It's time to party -- to third party, that is/Dogwalk Musings
- Into another world, and: Batting .037/Fort Boise
- Another Sandpoint icon closes, and: Do your children know?/Simple Mind
- Erin go Zags, and: Of Ides and Mads and Glads/Slight Detour
- When we fall short of our writing goals/Writing North Idaho
HucksOnline Numbers (from Wednesday): 8439/5009, and (from Thursday): 7794/4888
Question: How many of you Merry Hucksters like to target practice?