DP: 1990 Battle Eclipses Ultrasound Flap
Think this spring’s ultrasound battle is epic? Join me at 1990 Memory Lane, when Idaho was the epicenter of a national struggle over abortion rights. On March 30, 1990, Gov. Cecil Andrus vetoed House Bill 625, which would have been the toughest anti-abortion law in the country. The story was prominent on network news shows that night, in the days before the atomization of cable TV. For weeks, Boise was a regular dateline in The New York Times, USA Today and The Washington Post. The Senate debate was broadcast live on C-SPAN. “It began early, engaged national interest groups on both sides and consumed the whole session,” said former GOP Rep. Pam Ahrens, who co-chaired a two-day joint State Affairs Committee hearing that drew 1,500 people to Boise State’s Jordan Ballroom. “Compared to 1990, this year seems like a flash mob”/Dan Popkey, Idaho Statesman. More here.
Question: Anyone else recall the 1990 battle?