In Bozeman, Words To Get Fired By
After he was fired for dissing Bozeman Chronicle corporate bosses on Twitter, sports editor Colter Nuanez posted on Montana State Bobcats social media: “Well Twitter, my disdain for corporate America and my respect for the public’s right to know has gotten me terminated,” former Bozeman Daily Chronicle sports editor Colter Nuanez tweeted this afternoon. “No more Chronicle.” He elaborated this morning on the Bobcat Nation message board: “Well people, this place finally came back around to bite me in the butt. Because of my comments and opinions expressed on this website, I have been terminated effective immediately"'/ More here. (Romenesko photo of Colter Nuanez)
Words to Get Fired By: This is one line from Nuanez that Chronicle Publisher Stephanie Pressly apparently referred to, in commenting on the firing: “But you must understand that we are all handcuffed by money-hungry corporate f***ks who want to run newspapers as a business rather than an essential part to maintaining a free-flowing democracy.”
Question: Should Nuanez have gotten a second chance?