3 Percenters Protect Center

The three armed men stood in the shade of a small dogwood tree next to the armed forces recruiting offices in Lewiston's Nez Perce Plaza, surrounded by flags. Old Glory ruffled in a breeze that drifted across the parking lot and bumped up against the U.S. Marine Corps standard flag and nudged the yellow field of a Gadsden flag -- the one with the snake and the words "Don't Tread On Me" -- they erected near their cooler and folding chairs. Passers-by honked. Some, like Taniya Smith, came over to introduce herself. "You out here protecting this?" asked Smith, a former U.S. Navy Seabee who served in Iraq. The three men, Matt Dillard, Mike Dill and Josh Burns, affirmed they were part of a group whose members have flocked to recruiting depots across Idaho as a show of support and solidarity for the four Marines killed Thursday by a gunmen at a Chattanooga, Tenn., military facility. "They supported us, and now we're here showing them that we support them," Dillard, of Clarkston, said/Ralph Bartholdt, Lewiston Tribune. More here.
DFO: So the 3%ers are going to guard the recruitment offices after week day throughout the year?