Minimum wagers bid Idaho farewell
It's hard to imagine a place more desperate for a minimum-wage hike than Idaho. With 5.1 percent of its workers clinging to the bottom rung of the economic ladder, it has the ninth highest percentage of jobs paying the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. No wonder Idaho's per capita income - $36,734 - falls below 47 states and the District of Columbia. If you suddenly boosted the minimum wage to $12 an hour, you'd benefit 55.1 percent of the women working in Idaho. About 21.3 percent of the state's working mothers would take home more pay. And 30.4 percent of workers in the 25- to 39-year-old bracket would benefit. Where can they turn for help? Not Congress/Marty Trillhaase, Lewiston Tribune. More here.
Question: Will Idaho's rock bottom minimum wage lead to further brain/talent drain among young people?