NIC celebrates $2.7M CTE fund-raising
North Idaho College President Joe Dunlap announced Monday that more than $2.7 million has been raised for the completion of the college's Career and Technical Education Facility. Dunlap made the announcement during an event Monday afternoon at NIC's main campus, which formally kicked off the "Building the Future" capital campaign — a drive led by the NIC Foundation to raise $5 million to complete the facility, which was primarily funded through the use of $15 million from college capital funds. Construction on the 110,960-square-foot-facility, located in Rathdrum next to the Kootenai Technical Education Campus, is underway and projected to finish in time for the first classes to be held in August/Keith Cousins, Coeur d'Alene Press. More here.
- More information re: CTE facility funding needs here