Ex-Press photog, dog capture escapee
Deputy Jason Hunt, a former Coeur d'Alene Press photographer, pets German shepherd Gunnar and talks about how the dog helped apprehend escaped mental patient Anthony Garver last week in the Spokane area. Hunt and Gunnar are shown during a news conference, Tuesday, outside Spokane County Sheriff’s Office. (Jesse Tinsley/SR photo)
Police dog Gunnar may like playing and lounging in the grass during his off time, but he was all business Friday night when he and his handler, Spokane County Deputy Jason Hunt, tracked down a dangerous psychiatric patient who escaped from a mental hospital. The duo, accompanied by Sgt. Jack Rosenthal, were hunting for Anthony Garver in thick woods in the foothills of Mount Spokane on Friday when Gunnar caught a scent. “It’s a steep, thick, wooded area,” Hunt said. “We were busting brush for a long time.” At that point the search for Garver was well into its second day. He had escaped from Western State Hospital sometime Wednesday evening and bought a Greyhound bus ticket to Spokane, arriving around 5 a.m. Thursday. He was spotted at his parents’ home in the area east of Forker Road around 3:30 p.m. Thursday/Nina Culver, SR. More here.