Trib: Risch’s deer-in-headlights moment
In his Wednesday editorial, Opinion Editor Marty Trillhaase of the Lewiston Tribune comments:
During his more than 40 years in public life, U.S. Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, has earned a reputation for message discipline and staying on script. Yet on last Wednesday, Risch gave a performance on Wolf Blitzer's CNN program that hands down wins this year's Deer in the Headlights Award. Who, asked Blitzer, does the Idaho Republican support for the GOP presidential nomination? Risch had to know the question was coming. No doubt, he's been fielding it at every Idaho Lincoln Day banquet and Republican gathering ever since his first choice, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, dropped out. More here.
DFO: I agree with Marty here. Risch is always disciplined and on script. I can't figure why he was knocked sideways by Wolf Blitzer's expected question re: his presidential preference. Thoughts?