Huckleberries hears …
... That there was an interesting exchange between state Rep. Kathy Sims, R-Coeur d'Alene, and her GOPrimary challenger Paul Amador. At the Reagan Republican lunch today, both candidates were asked about "Add the Words" and city antidiscrimination ordinance. Amador would "Add the Words" and is anti-discrimination. Sims stated she supports the Republican platform and then went on to say that the Coeur d'Alene Press had threatened her about its recent Voters Guide. According to Sims, the Press said that it wouldn't run a profile story about her, if she didn't "answer their liberal questions." In rebutall, Amador refuted the "liberal question" charge by stating the Voters Guide did not include "liberal questions." Also, Amador said, he's not certain why Sims wouldn't answer the Press questionnaire regarding the 2nd Amendment or abortion views.