AM Scanner Traffic -- 4.13.16
Scanner Traffic for Wednesday AM (includes 19 items & counting) includes possible unattended death in Hauser Lake ...
Scanner Traffic for Wednesday AM (includes 19 items & counting) includes possible unattended death in Hauser Lake ...
"Friends who know me will tell you that when people try to intimidate me I don’t back down, I double down. Now, where’s my checkbook" -- Brent Regan, letter to the Coeur d'Alene Press editor.
In his Wednesday editorial, Opinion Editor Marty Trillhaase of the Lewiston Tribune comments on U.S. Sen. Jim Risch's strange response to a question from CNN's Wolf Blitzer -- you know, the one in which he endorsed but didn't endorse U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz for the GOP nominee for president.
The daily roundup of AM Headlines includes: Idaho Records/Press, Psychic hopes to find woman/KREM 2, Idaho Guard to fight ISIS/Idaho Statesman, Dolezal returns to national spotlight/KXLY 4, Equal Pay Day highlights income gap/Press, Education Board optimistic re: 2020 goal/Press, Pullman police investigate 2 WSU rapes/KHQ 6 ...
Again, mainstream Republican candidates Duane Rasmussen and Fred Meckel are involved in a 4-way race for elective office. Now, they're vying for the Kootenai County commissioner seat held by Dan Green. If history repeats itself, as it did in the 4-way race for the legislative seat won by Vito Barbieri, Duane & Fred will split the vote and lose.
If Hucks Nation had its way (and all of my readers should be voting in the GOPrimary unless they're registered Democrats), Paul Amador would overwhelm state Rep. Kathy Sims, R-Coeur d'Alene, in the local GOPrimary race for the House District 4B seat. Today's Poll: Incumbent Luke Malek or Arthur Macomber in the House District 4A race.
The artistic director of the University of Idaho Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival said he was told his services are no longer needed. Grammy Award-winning bassist and composer John Clayton has been the face of the annual jazz fest since 2006. ... Clayton, 65, began performing at the annual February festival in the mid-1990s.
In a letter to the editor today, Brent Regan, chairman of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, chastises the Coeur d'Alene Press for revealing some of the individual behind the secretive Kootenai County Republican Concerned Citzens mailing (including Regan, who contributed $6,100 two years ago to the KCRCC PAC).
At approximately 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Kootenai County deputies, along with Kellogg Ambulance and the Rose Lake QRU, responded to the area of Canyon Road and Hardy Loop Road, near Cataldo, for a one vehicle crash. Seth C. Drew, 32, of Kellogg, was pulled unresponsive from the wreck & taken to Kootenai Health.
Police dog Gunnar may like playing and lounging in the grass during his off time, but he was all business Friday night when he and his handler, Spokane County Deputy Jason Hunt, tracked down a dangerous psychiatric patient who escaped from a mental hospital. Coeur d'Alene residents will recall Hunt as a former Coeur d'Alene Press photographer.
A former nursing student at North Idaho College is suing the school for damages associated with her claims she was wrongfully dismissed from the program. Jessica Dekelaita, of Coeur d'Alene, is seeking an undisclosed amount of money from NIC in the case, which was filed in Kootenai County District Court on April 5.
A public memorial service on Saturday for Patty Duke will be livestreamed by local television station KHQ. The Oscar-winning actress, also known as Anna Pearce, died March 29 of sepsis from a ruptured intestine. She was 69. Duke’s memorial service is open to the public. The 11 a.m. service takes place at Lake City Community Church.
Why am I glad that I didn't take time to turn on the sprinklers last weekend? I suspect these are the April showers that bring May flowers. OTOH, I don't mind not adding to the water bill just yet. My garden is weeded and ready to plant. Now, I have to decide when to gamble with the tomatoes and other warm-weather plants.
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus speaks to Marines regarding women in combat during a speech at the Camp Pendleton Marine Base Tuesday at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Anaheim, Calif.
On her campaign Facebook wall, Democrat Tina Kunishige posts that she will end the practice of the Sheriff contracting for security duties with private corporations such as Walmart, Best Buy and Stateline Speedway. Quoth: "(I) feel this is not the duty nor proper role of the Sheriff's Office/deputies."
If there isn't enough to worry about, Barrett Rainey, writing for the Ridenbaugh Press, offers the growing "constitutional sheriff" movement in the West. This movement, launched by former Arizona "Sheriff Richard Mack," claims the sheriff should enforce the law as well as determine which laws are constitutional. Rainey denounces that belief.
The Cutline Contest today features Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio at the 94th annual Inner Circle Dinner in New York, where a racially insensitive skit in which they participated backfired. Monday Winner: Phaedrus.
Scanner Traffic for Tuesday PM (16 items & counting + link to AM Scanner Traffic with 12 more items) includes a quarter-acre fire started from a slash pile near Spirit Lake ...
The daily roundup of posts from the HucksOnline blogosphere includes: By process of elimination/Fort Boise, Another summer of same old M's?/Grip, Will you grow Stanley Cup beard?/Slice, Friday's openings: Straight from jungle/7 Blog, Asian bear chases snowboarder (video)/Outdoors, Recalling Dad & his Appaloosa legacy/Slight Detour ...
In an emailer this afternoon, executive Wayne Hoffman of Idaho Freedom Foundation slammed the "legacy media" for "parroting an incredible number of myths, distortions and deceptions about the Idaho Freedom Index." Hoffman said the index is the only scorecard that separates "phony conservative legislators from the real deal."
Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo weighed in today on the selection process for Idaho’s next federal judge and the prospects for getting nominee Judge David Nye confirmed this year. “The White House is strongly in support of their nomination, and Sen. Risch and I are strongly in support on the president’s nomination," he told Eye on Boise.
Tom Greene of North Idaho College sent Huckleberries Online a video of the announcement that $2.7M had been raised for the Career Technical Education facility. The clip, less than a minute long, shows the unveiling of the numbers that showed how much was raised. Nice video.
Democratic candidate Kathy Kahn is critical of state Rep. Vito Barbieri's performance during the 2016 Legislature. She charged that Barbieri “did nothing but raise most peoples’ property taxes,” adding that he ought to return his paycheck. “Name one bill he passed, name one constructive thing he did in Boise,” she said. More below.
A biography concert featuring the music of Patsy Cline will benefit the Coeur d’Alene Public Library Foundation Friday, April 29. Tickets are $25 per person or a table for eight can be sponsored for $300. Ticketing is through “The Life and Music of Patsy Cline” will feature the talents of singer Laura Sable.
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.
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