It's almost time to start our endorsements again. Yes, Virginia, the S-R will endorse in most political races in Kootenai and Spokane counties. And the legislative races throughout North Idaho. Most races will be easy calls. But not all. Stay tuned.1. Political 'Toon Fix: Despite…
Gotta run to see the next prez debate in a few minutes. Hope Dubya loses the "deer in the headlight" look. But it won't matter. The anti-war mainstream media would declare Kerry the winner, if he went on stage with his fly down. If you're…
Phil (Corless), I am really quite aware that cars are the mode of transportation. However, no matter how badly we need this library (and in my view, I agree that it is time to upgrade our old facility) we need to be smart about the…
In the Press today here an unnamed Post Falls city official is quoted justifying their rejection of the Post Falls Historical Society's museum in the new city hall with this line, if we invite one organization in, it would open the gates to other community…
Regarding your blurb about the front page of the paper this morning... I know Mike Gridley. I've worked with Mike Gridley.Mike Gridley is a friend of mine.But I sure as hell wish he didn't look so constipated in his moment of glory in the paper.…
And here's why you have to tune into Hot Potatoes each day. The JibJab boys have produced a new on-line video starring Dubya and Flipflop. You remember the first one, of course -- where Dubya called Flipflop a "liberal wiener" and Flipflop called Dubya a…
Well Mike (Kennedy), thanks for your spirited comments. I enjoy the exchange and it leads to a concensus of why needs to be done with our new library. I say "our new library" because I still contribute to the taxes in our Coeur d' Alene…
*Democrat Sen. Zell Miller (pictured): Bush, unlike Kerry, will 'never wobble'/NewsMax: Give-'em-hell Zell Miller easily is my favorite Demo at the national level.*School Warning: School plans, security information gathered by suspected Iraq insurgent focus concern on schools in six states/ABC News: Evil doesn't take a…
We nuked Adelphia about a year ago after they raised our rates again and replaced it with nothing. We save 50 bucks a month and we still get all the networks, although FOX is a little fuzzy sometimes. It’s all we need. When I called…
I finally broomed Adelphia for satellite hookup, after years of diminishing service. I put up with a very basic package that once featured CNN and ESPN and E! so the kids wouldn't have "M-TV" available. I didn't want them exposed to that junk. And I…
*Tiger Woods (the one in the tuxedo in photo at right) weds Swede model in Barbados: Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley among guests/AP: Tiger had to do something to gain attention, now that his golf swing's gone.*Cheney slip-up sends Net users to anti-Bush site:…
Steve Badraun's comments are a perfect example of why this project is so overdue - because it is much easier to simply say "no".A library is about more than just books - it's about what a community values. Most people will place a higher civic…
re: A draft dodger from Nelson, B.C. here And that is why we are so happy you are still in B.C.Cis The RetiredDFO: You should follow the link above for the complete story about the foul-mouthed draft dodger. I believe, however, that this particular resister…
Yessiree, Dave, one can only hope that it will be Cheney coaching Geo Jr. for the next public tete-a-tete with POSTER BOY Kerry. Dick's command of the issues and sparring ability was most refreshing-entertaining-informative-enlightening....and so on... So, the DEMs are going to cut the deficit…
"Now if they couldn't stand up to the pressures that Howard Dean represented, how can we expect them to stand up to Al Qaida?" -- veep Dick Cheney about John Kerry and John Edwards flipflopping on the Iraqi war.And you can find the complete text…
Gotta go to check out the veep debate in 17 minutes. Can't see Edwards carving up Cheney like Flipflop carved up Dubya during the first go-round. But who knows? Edwards is a slick lawyer. On the other hand, he reminds me of a Demo version…
Another reason why you should always check James Taranto's "Best of the Web" (snippet is titled, "Southern Charm?":"The Drudge Report offers an interesting exchange involving John Edwards, from yesterday's 'Nightline' on ABC News:"ABC's Bob Woodruff: He has avoided the kind of negative attacks that can…
*Same-sex marriage ban ruled unconstitutional: Louisiana judge tosses amendment despite approval by 78% of voters/WorldNetDaily: It's time to start impeaching these clueless judges who are trying to impose their ultraleft will on the country.*House votes to break up 9th Circuit Court: Legislation would leave only…
I understand journalistic style when it comes to reporting tragic events, but Eric McMillan wasn't just fatally wounded last month, as you suggest in your blog. Flat out he was killed in cold blood, or murdered take your pick, by two scumbags from Seattle who…
I thought I was the only person in town questioning the proposed library location. It seems our new library should be located (in no particular order): 1. close to the geographic and population center of the city; 2. where parking is available; 3. near major…
Are you ready for Round 2 in the not-so-great 2004 election debates? It's Cheney (pictured) vs. Edwards tonight in the veepstakes. Generally, the debate between the No. 2 men on the ticket doesn't matter much. After Dubya coughed up a big meatball last week, however,…
*So you have a new old name... I liked the No Hold Barred name...Hot Potatoes feels flat... where NHB seems fuller.reminds me of the old adage..if it isn't broke don't fix it.... ..just my meek opinion -- Cis The Retired.HP: I always regretted not naming…
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.