Pullman and Moscow get AT&T’s first Eastern Washington LTE data network
If you're a big fan of LTE (long term evolution) mobile data, AT&T has news.
The wireless provider announced it's deployed true LTE service in the Moscow-Pullman area.
So, to confuse things, the way mobile connectivity works, LTE is considered important because it qualifies as "true 4G" service. True 4G data speeds are generally 10 times faster than mobile 3G networks.
Verizon, Spring and AT&T all offer 4G service in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene. Verizon can properly claim to be the first wireless carrier with LTE service in Spokane.
AT&T hasn't said when it will bring LTE service into Spokane. At present, it offers a hybrid network here called 4G HSPA+. And that, according to an AT&T spokesman, is roughly four times faster than 3G.