Here are four business stories of the year that don’t score in top five
We earlier posted the OfficeHours No. 3 business story of 2013: the huge credit card fraud that's ensnarled many customers of stores served by the URM Stores computer network.
Your deadline to win a $10 coffee card is 10 p.m. tonight. Just post a comment here and tell us your pick for top area business story. Winner will be chosen at random if several guesses are all correct.
Here are four stories that won't make it into the final two:
- The legal hassles and slow resolution of the Greg Jeffreys downtown property lawsuits, primarily connected to the Ridpath.
- The start of a new Target store on the Upper South Hill.
- The first spade work on a Convention Center hotel in downtown, begun by hotelier Walt Worthy.
- The housing market rebound of 2013, for both Spokane and Kootenai County.
So those are four you can scratch off your list. Again: deadline is 10 p.m. this evening.