Greencupboards CEO Josh Neblett visits Power Lunch tomorrow, makes his pitch
CNBC's Power Lunch will feature Josh Neblett, CEO and co-founder of Spokane green-retailer GreenCupboards on Wednesday (June 5) from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the network's Power Pitch program.
In the segment, the hosts give Neblett 60 seconds to "power" pitch his e-commerce start-up.
After the pitch Neblett takes questions from a trio of inquisitors. The panel quizzing him includes CNBC host Julia Boorstin, BuzzFeed COO Jon Steinberg and Norwest Venture Parnters' Josh Goldman.
In advance of the broadcast, CNBC has uploaded Neblett’s 60 second GreenCupboards Power Pitch to You can see it here and let us know what you think of the pitch by voting if you're "in" or “out."