Downtown retail alert: River Park Square announced Fan Suite, a rental meeting and entertainment venue, is opening on the mall's third floor. It's taking about 1,000 square feet next to Nordstrom. The location has three flat-screen TVs in a family living room setting, with seating…
Earlier in May The SR published an item about Gonzaga University beginning plans to build a $6 million tennis-golf center on the east edge of the Spokane campus. The story didn't provide a good map. This photo, from Google Maps, will help locate where the…
Seven Spokane area businesses or nonprofits won Agora awards Wednesday, an annual excellence in business designation presented by Greater Spokane Incorporated. They winners and categories were: Two Wheel Transit (small business) Arbor Crest Wine Cellars (medium business) STCU (large business) Spokane H.O.P.E. School (small nonprofit);…
Pete and Merline Roundy, who've operated a motorcycle all-terrain vehicle shop in north Spokane for more than 35 years, will close their store on Saturday. The Roundys, both 77, opened their first Roundy's Kawasaki shop in 1976. Within the past year the couple has decided…